The Prada Replica Handbags little sister, Prada Replica Handbags has a surprising twist for their advertising campaign. The designer, Prada Replica Handbags really knows how to keep things captivating and something interesting.
Heres the twist: There are no celebrities or fashion figure involved for the campaign. Considering that the label are fond of using big faces for their previous campaigns like Katie Holmes, Kirsten Dunst and Lindsay Lohan to name a few. Prada Replica Handbags has done opposite for Prada Replica Handbags 2009 Fall campaign and quite unexp
Fashion photographers Mert Alas and Marcus Piggott went with a minimalist design for Prada Replica Handbags. The series of ads features a washed up which really highlight the exquisite textures of Prada Replica Handbags this season, mostly black and white look, with a few soft touches of gray, tan and brown clothes and accessories to lend a softer feel Replica Celine Handbags.
Just check out that tweed coat and gorgeous studded Prada Replica Handbags.